I’m submersing myself in inspiration this week.
I’m curious to know what happens when I take actions consistent with being inspired. I often take actions to be inspired, and I actually spend much of my time being inspired by something. But I’m curious to know what happens when I submerse myself in inspiration.
What happens when each action I take is aligned with breathing life into life itself?
What happens when I devote the minutes in my days to the realm of the inspiring?
What happens when I infuse my daily life with that which is enlivening?
As I thought on Sunday about conducting this experiment, I thought of three questions I’d like to answer:
- What would it look like to live from a space of generativity, creativity, and inspiration?
- What structures, people, actions, and ways of being are in the way of my being inspired?
- What is inspiration, what does it look like, and how does it occur?
For me, choosing inspiration looks something like this:
- I choose to read a book that inspires me instead of watching a TV show that only entertains.
- I choose to watch a cool documentary instead of browsing Facebook.
- I take time each day to research and write about something I’m passionate about.
- I take time each day to journal about my goals.
- I practice yoga and meditate with the intention to grant myself and life being.
- I listen to music and its nuances without distraction.
- I observe, acknowledge, and honor others’ beauty and power.
- I talk to people who speak generatively and authentically.
- I wear clothes that are beautiful and brightly colored.
- I smile at strangers instead of waiting for them to smile at me first.
- I speak to people in a way that moves conversations forward. I practice generative speaking.
- I smile, laugh, and share happiness and beauty.
- I do my work within a larger context or, at minimum, with integrity and honor.
- I eat my food with intention, and I honor what I put onto my plate and into my body.
These are just some of the many ideas I’ve had, and I know I’ll have many more as I explore this.
What inspires you?
What, if anything, blocks your inspiration?
What would our world look like if we lived from the space of inspiration? Do we already do that? Is our world what living an inspired life looks like?
In love and liminality,
Annie Rose
I was actually surprised to read the note about smiling first, since you’ve staunchly defended not smiling in the past! 🙂
Ha ha! Oh my gosh, Bob. I’ve had to work so hard on being willing to smile. I still have to remind myself. “SMILE, Annie Rose. It’s okay. It’s safe.”
What inspires you?
What, if anything, blocks your inspiration?
What would our world look like if we lived from the space of inspiration? Do we already do that? Is our world what living an inspired life looks like?
I love these answers. Thank you. 🙂